view results_from_runs/VMS/Vthread/exe_vs_task_size/cray1__1x2_machine/Vthread/2011-12-16/plot.gnuplot @ 12:612dd8ec057a

exec_vs_task_size: larger fonts and wider lines, combined graphs for vms and cray1
author Merten Sach <>
date Mon, 23 Jan 2012 18:57:02 +0100
parents 4f2043c26553
children c93fb902a754
line source
2 set terminal postscript enhanced color
3 set output "cray1_vthread_8_32_128_512thds__o30000__perfCtrs.result.eps"
4 #set title "INSERT MACHINE HERE"
5 set xlabel "Cycles in one Task"
6 set ylabel "Ratio of Total Execution to Total Work"
7 set size 0.6,0.6
8 set multiplot
9 set origin 0,0
10 set border 3
11 set xtics nomirror
12 set ytics nomirror
13 set yrange [1:8]
14 set xrange [0:8000]
15 line(x)=2
16 set key box
17 plot line(x) notitle with line lc 0 lw 4 lt 2, '8_thds__o30000__perfCtrs.result' using 4:8 title '8 Threads' with line lw 6,'32_thds__o30000__perfCtrs.result' using 4:8 title '32 Threads' with line lw 6,'128_thds__o30000__perfCtrs.result' using 4:8 title '128 Threads' with line lw 6,'512_thds__o30000__perfCtrs.result' using 4:8 title '512 Threads' with line lw 6
18 set notitle
19 #set xlabel ""
20 #set origin 0.40,0.40
21 #set size 0.5,0.5
22 #set xrange [0 : 2000]
23 #set yrange [1 : 8]
24 #set key box
25 #replot
26 set nomultiplot
27 exit